Tears at night, smiles in the morning

Dear overly emotion-self, Hey, me again. You remember me? That crazed lunatic who has so many emotions she has no idea what to do with them. Well while I haven’t written to you in a while doesn’t mean I have forgotten about you. The truth is, I am getting my ass-royally kicked in nursing school. […]

My personal “D-Day” |The dreaded heartbreak

Dear any human’s who had interaction with me yesterday, I woke up this afternoon (thank you night shift for throwing off my days/sleep schedule) grabbed my phone and just stared at the date. Today is June 26th. June 26th, 2018. How the hell could that be? How could I have not realized? How could I […]

Another month, another period | Infertility’s worst enemy.

Dear Diary, Each day living with infertility is different. Each day I wake up either completely happy and content with life, or a bit disappointed. Let me preface this by saying I have a great life I know I do BUT something is missing. Something down deep inside aching to break free, aching to come […]

Dear World: I have no words to describe my emotions; There are no words that can ease my pain

Dear World: Seven years ago this month I lost our first baby, two weeks ago, I lost our second. I have no words to describe my emotions; There are no words that can ease my pain. I’m not asking for pity, I’m not taking any blame. I’m simply stating this is the reason for my […]