The dreaded sisterhood of being 1 in 4.

As women, we are genetically made to want to belong. Typically we are more social than men. We have a longing to be part of something; a group, a community, a sisterhood, some may say. Today, however, many of us are realizing we are part of an even larger community than we could have ever […]

“Cherish every single moment.”

Everyone always says you will change when you become a mother. They then proceed to list all the things that will change; your sleep schedule, your body, your love for your spouse, your free time, so on and so forth.
It’s been five months since Maize was born, and from the minute I laid my eyes on that little girl, I knew I was different, but today, today solidified it.

Not what I had imagined – Postpartum; the first eight weeks

Today marks day forty-one of #stayhomestaysafe. Yes, four-one days, I have been what feels like trapped in my home. To say I’m losing it is an understatement. The amount of emotions I have are real, raw, and shitty, so naturally, I wrote them all down. My most recent post, most people during this crazy time can relate too.

2019; End of year catch-up

Greetings friends, from the land of the bed-couch. Yes, that’s right; it is that time of year again where we drag our spare-bedroom mattress into the living room, place it between both couches, in front of the Christmas tree, and basically live on it for the next few weeks. Does that make us slobs? Yes. […]

2018 all wrapped up and decorated​ with a bow.

Here we are again, another blog post; another “It’s been too long” sentence to start this post. But let’s be honest, that’s my life at the moment. It has been my life pretty much all of 2018. This time last year I was feeling optimistic, energetic, excited about where life was headed. And today, days […]

My baby’s first birthday; Sophie Mae James is ONE!

One year ago today was born. Launched. Published. Shoved down your throats. Whichever adjective you choose, it happened 365 days ago today. I had just gone through one of the hardest weeks of my life and had an urge to share. Share my story with the good ole World Wide Web. Not for attention, […]

Tears at night, smiles in the morning

Dear overly emotion-self, Hey, me again. You remember me? That crazed lunatic who has so many emotions she has no idea what to do with them. Well while I haven’t written to you in a while doesn’t mean I have forgotten about you. The truth is, I am getting my ass-royally kicked in nursing school. […]

My personal “D-Day” |The dreaded heartbreak

Dear any human’s who had interaction with me yesterday, I woke up this afternoon (thank you night shift for throwing off my days/sleep schedule) grabbed my phone and just stared at the date. Today is June 26th. June 26th, 2018. How the hell could that be? How could I have not realized? How could I […]