Quality > Quantity; A letter to my past, present, ​and future friends

In my nursing class, we learned about Maslow. Maslow was a theorist who developed a theory called the hierarchy of needs. The basic idea of this was shown displayed with a simple triangle. The base of that triangle is the largest, and as you travel up the triangle, the sections get smaller and smaller, representing […]

“How did you know he was the one?”

February is the month for love and I am lucky enough to be surrounded with love. However, my take on “the one true love” is something you might not expect. While I have been happily married for eleven years, I am still not sure, he is my one true love. Check out my most recent post to find out more. <3

The Story of Us… <3| Dating, Marriage and almost Divorce

Saturday brings mine and Shaine’s eleventh wedding anniversary. Which brings me so many emotions, one of being HOLY SH!T! How is it even possible that we have been married for eleven years and together for the last twelve and a half? We are getting close to being together longer than we ever were apart, which is […]

A Mother’s Love ❤️

Relationships are hard. Period. No matter what relationship we speak about it turns out so much harder than it should be. But why? Most relationships are developed because two people have love for each other. Passionate-romantic love, platonic love, love of common interest; no matter the relationship the root of it all is love. However, […]

While you thank a Veteran, I’ll be kissing mine.

In honor of Veteran’s Day weekend, I was inspired to write about memories the military brought to my veteran and I. ❤️ If you’ve read even a section of this blog you know my story; A young small-town girl who married her high school sweetheart and moved to Germany with him while he was stationed […]