The post; Three years in the making ❤️🌈☘️​

Revision – four-hundred and ninety-two. That might be a stretch but then again maybe not. This post is something I have dreamt about writing for years. When I wrote all of my words below, I was in such a good headspace; excited, joyful, slightly anxious but nothing major. Flash forward to today, right now, and […]

Quality > Quantity; A letter to my past, present, ​and future friends

In my nursing class, we learned about Maslow. Maslow was a theorist who developed a theory called the hierarchy of needs. The basic idea of this was shown displayed with a simple triangle. The base of that triangle is the largest, and as you travel up the triangle, the sections get smaller and smaller, representing […]

“How did you know he was the one?”

February is the month for love and I am lucky enough to be surrounded with love. However, my take on “the one true love” is something you might not expect. While I have been happily married for eleven years, I am still not sure, he is my one true love. Check out my most recent post to find out more. <3

2018 all wrapped up and decorated​ with a bow.

Here we are again, another blog post; another “It’s been too long” sentence to start this post. But let’s be honest, that’s my life at the moment. It has been my life pretty much all of 2018. This time last year I was feeling optimistic, energetic, excited about where life was headed. And today, days […]

The who, what, where, when and why of Sophie Mae James

In honor of turning one 😍, I wanted to write about the name. How I came up with it, what it means, and why I choose the topics I choose. Sophie Mae James is a combination of my life past, present, and future.  Future – Sophie Sophie, as you might know, was my beloved dog’s […]

I’m a “nurse” but for your lungs | Life as a Respiratory Therapist

It is officially Respiratory Care Week, and like many years there are tons of post floating around, written by other respiratory therapists (RTs) explaining what our exact job entails. Because the truth of it is if you have never been treated by an RT or had a family member that has you probably do not […]

My baby’s first birthday; Sophie Mae James is ONE!

One year ago today was born. Launched. Published. Shoved down your throats. Whichever adjective you choose, it happened 365 days ago today. I had just gone through one of the hardest weeks of my life and had an urge to share. Share my story with the good ole World Wide Web. Not for attention, […]

Same day — different year | Feeling joyful.

October 3rd, 2017 — I was in PACU recovering from a surgery that saved my fallopian tube but ended in our second miscarriage. Today, October 3rd, 2018 — I am sitting on my back porch, smiling and drinking a beer because guess what I can? Of course, I would give anything to be holding my […]