About Amanda (That’s me!)

I know what you are thinking just another basic bitch with another blog. Why does the world need another blog? The truth is it might not, but what is good for the world might not necessarily good for me. Ever since I can remember, writing has been my escape, my way to express my feelings. In a day in age where social media is the end-all-be-all, I wanted to have a place where I could escape, give my thoughts, my opinion without shoving them in everyone’s face. And for me, that is exactly what this blog is meant to be.

So — Who am I? My name is Amanda, I’m a happily married woman of over 14 years (yes, I know, I was young, we will get to that), and I currently live in Michigan with my husband, Shaine, our 19-month-old daughter, Maize. I grew up in a small town in Michigan, where I met my amazing husband. However, I don’t think of Michigan as where I grew up. I know that sounds crazy, but I really didn’t grow into the person I am today until I moved away; fa,r far away. Even though I have been married for over a decade, I can assure you I am not in the running for the wife of the year, and it is actually not something I am even striving for. I am THAT girl known for being outspoken, always tries to play devil’s advocate, and has a mouth that will make a sailor blush! I like being me, and I hope the more you get to know me, you will too!

This blog is a lifestyle blog. A blog about a girl (me, duh) pretending to have her sh!t together or at least faking it until I actually get there. Things we will cover:

  • Admire; Everything and anything about relationships. Relationships as adults are hard for SO many reasons.
  • Balance; Trying to find the balance of being a responsible adult but still holding on to your fun, youthful side with everything you have
  • Create; Or short for creative. In a crazy scary world as we live in,n it is important to distract yourself and let your creative mind wander. Creativity can be in your home, your style, or even your appearance.
  • Dear: ___; This will probably be one of my favorite sections of the blog. This is where I can truly be myself. Ever since I was young, I would write when I was feeling overwhelmed. If I were angry, then I would write hate mail. If I were sad, I would attempt to write, but my tears would smear the ink on my notebook most of the time. I would even write when I was happy. It was my way of validating those feelings.
  • Explore; “I haven’t been everywhere, but it’s on my list” — Ever since my transcontinental move to Germany when I was 18 (remember, that far far away comment…) I have a love for travel. However, I am not your most conventional traveler. I like to find the small things, sit in the parks, and people watch. If I wanted to see the Louvre in Paris, I would google it. I am that girl that sits outside of the entrance eating great food and observing people. (I swear it is not as creepy as it sounds).
  • Forever; The page all about family and the emotional roller coaster it has been to get to the place we are today. I write a lot about fertility and many other hard topics that some people aren’t ready to discuss but need a place where they don’t feel so alone. I hope this is a place to do that at.

I am not perfect; frankly, I am far from it, but if you are looking for a place where humor, profanity, and sarcasm are used to help us get through the daily struggles of transitioning from a young adult to a full-fledged responsible adult, then you are in the right place. I am so happy you are here, and I can’t wait to get to know you more. <3

And then just a little eye candy for the road 😉