The dreaded sisterhood of being 1 in 4.

As women, we are genetically made to want to belong. Typically we are more social than men. We have a longing to be part of something; a group, a community, a sisterhood, some may say.

Today, however, many of us are realizing we are part of an even larger community than we could have ever imagined. And unlike many other groups, this is one that every single “member” would have preferred to sit out. Each one of us wanted nothing more than to be that one lone person left on the bench while everyone else played in the game. This is the sisterhood of being the one in the statistic that 1 out of every 4 pregnancies will end in grief.

One in four, twenty-five percentage, heartache after heartache.

Grief can be a miscarriage, a stillbirth, or even an infant loss. While writing this, my heart hurts for all the past, present, and future heartbreak that will come from this terrifying statistic. My purpose in writing today’s post is surprisingly not to scare anyone but to celebrate all of the brave women who have taken the opportunity to acknowledge their pain. Acknowledge that losing a child, no matter the age, circumstance, or time past, is painful.

As I scrolled through social media today, the day specifically designed to bring awareness to pregnancy and infant loss, I was constantly reminded of how many people I know personally have been affected by this. I am encouraged by the number of people working hard to make this not taboo. Each Instagram photo, Facebook post, blog entry, and conversations exchanged is slowly making it more acceptable to talk about. Dampening the sting of shame, for maybe this is something we as women did wrong. We deserve to talk about the children we have lost, the future memories taken from us.

So thank you. Thank you to all my friends that have spoken up, who have brought awareness to this, while hurting so badly inside. To those who aren’t ready to speak up, know you are not alone. You are part of a sisterhood of strong ass women who faced incredible sadness and are still pushing through and looking past the heavy dark clouds to the rainbow on the other side.

My babies: <3, <3, and then of course my rainbow; Maize Ann.

Love to hear your thoughts. Comment below <3