Mind over Matter

When you’re pregnant, everyone asks you how you’re feeling, which is a very appropriate question because pregnancy, while it’s a miracle, can be outright painful, uncomfortable, and awkward. However, the one thing I have learned throughout this entire journey is that having a positive mindset is everything. Now hear me out, I’m not trying to sound judgy or lecture anyone, but this is what I’ve realized if you’re positive about your situation than you’ll have positive results (or you’ll trick yourself into being positive).

This pregnancy has not been a walk in the park. I’ve gained almost 60 pounds, had morning sickness until 17 weeks — endured bedrest, and significant swelling that makes telling my ankles apart from my calves very difficult. My wrists have so much inflammation I’ve developed carpal tunnel and complete numbness in my hands, which means typing this has been a joy, but most of you would never know. And the reason being is anytime asked the question, “how have you been feeling” I respond with, “I feel great.” – Is this true? For the most part, yes, I could have had it so much worse, but gaining this much weight on a 5’3″ frame is not the easiest. Getting up and down with wrists that gives out with any amount of pressure on them is less than ideal. However, in the long run, these are the things I prayed for, something I used to sit up in bed and beg for.

I am damn proud to say I have no taken a single day for granted. Not one kick, belly pain, awkward position change because a year ago, I didn’t know if we’d ever get here. I don’t miss alcohol or specific foods. Not breathing heavy when I walk upstairs; I don’t miss anything else I’ve had to go without. Well — that’s a lie. I do miss being able to use my entire closet rather than one dresser drawer of Shaine’s clothes, but you know what? In about a month it will be like I hit the jackpot on a new wardrobe. My point is having a positive mindset and a thankful attitude has allowed me to enjoy this journey to the fullest. I love it when people rub my belly or tell me how excited they are for us, even when they remind us of the lack of sleep that’s about to begin.

I genuinely don’t know what the future holds. Will I give birth on my preferred date, come on leap year baby? Will I make it to my due date of March 6th, or will I hit publish on this post and celebrate with my water breaking, no one knows. What about baby number two? Will my body realize I do know how to do this, and we will conceive our second all on our own? Will we do fertility again? Many great questions I don’t know the answers too. What I do know is these last nine months have been the best of my life, and I’m so thankful to have been lucky enough to experience them.

If you are pregnant, a parent, maybe a hopeful parent or someone going through life take a minute today to stop and be thankful. Be thankful for anything because one small piece of gratitude might change your entire mindset.

Love to hear your thoughts. Comment below <3