Same day — different year | Feeling joyful.

October 3rd, 2017 — I was in PACU recovering from a surgery that saved my fallopian tube but ended in our second miscarriage.

Today, October 3rd, 2018 — I am sitting on my back porch, smiling and drinking a beer because guess what I can?

Of course, I would give anything to be holding my 5-month-old baby right now, but the reality is I’m not, and that’s ok. Life throws us tons of curve balls; some of those we make direct contact with and hit out of the park. While others all we can do is drop and get out of the way. I know one day, my body won’t fail me. I’ll be able to carry our first born and bring him or her into this world safely. Until then I’ll continue to smile through the good, the bad and the ugly. And drink all the very refreshing, very much deserved adult beverages I would like.

To anyone else who has ever been through a hard time, remember nothing big has to happen to make it a good day. Find joy in the small things, find joy in the people you surround yourself with. Lastly please reach out to me, at the end of the day we are all human and need one another. <3

Love to hear your thoughts. Comment below <3