My personal “D-Day” |The dreaded heartbreak

Dear any human’s who had interaction with me yesterday, I woke up this afternoon (thank you night shift for throwing off my days/sleep schedule) grabbed my phone and just stared at the date. Today is June 26th. June 26th, 2018. How the hell could that be? How could I have not realized? How could I […]

The Story of Us… <3| Dating, Marriage and almost Divorce

Saturday brings mine and Shaine’s eleventh wedding anniversary. Which brings me so many emotions, one of being HOLY SH!T! How is it even possible that we have been married for eleven years and together for the last twelve and a half? We are getting close to being together longer than we ever were apart, which is […]

Another month, another period | Infertility’s worst enemy.

Dear Diary, Each day living with infertility is different. Each day I wake up either completely happy and content with life, or a bit disappointed. Let me preface this by saying I have a great life I know I do BUT something is missing. Something down deep inside aching to break free, aching to come […]

A year of travel: February Edition. (Our trip to Pigeon Forge/Gatlinburg TN)

A new week and a new post all about my year of travel. A few weeks ago I wrote about how I made it a goal of mine to travel once a month, to a new place, or experience something new each month of 2018. For February Shaine and I rented a cottage in Sevierville, […]