A year of travel; January edition.

If you have been following this blog for awhile, you might remember that at the beginning of this year I made a promise to myself that I would stop thinking so much and live in the moment. 2017, was a tough year for me for many reasons that sadly brought many losses. This year (2018) I told myself I would travel to a new place once a month. Travel by no means takes away the pain, but it does help remind me that life is beautiful; life goes on, and you must keep living.

It is now the fifth month of the year, and I am proud to say, I have indeed kept my promise and traveled to a new place or experienced something new each month.

In January, Shaine (my hunk bearded wonder of a husband) turned thirty. If you knew him, you would know he hates celebrations, attention or making a big deal out of anything. Me on the other hand, the complete opposite. I love to plan, and I love to celebrate, which meant he was not getting off turning thirty without any celebration. Instead of a big party, we (aka I) decided we should go skiing. Living in Michigan many people tend to hibernate in the winter; we are typically no different but occasional it is fun to venture out and enjoy the beauty that winter brings.

One oddly warm Sunday, we headed to Caberfae ski park with Shaine’s brother, Jared; his wife, Theresa; my brother Kyle, and his girlfriend, Carly. Shaine, Jared, Theresa, and Kyle are all excellent skiers. Carly and I, not so much. Carly had never actually been skiing, but I had. However, it was not a pretty sight, so Carly and I decided to take a lesson. While we were at our lesson the other more “experienced” skiers, took off and went and enjoyed the mountain. The lesson was about an hour and a half, and by the end, I was feeling pretty confident, on the bunny hills at least. Being twenty-eight myself, the fear of falling is a lot more prevalent than it used it be. BUT I was not going to be the party-pooper in this group, so I set out to try and ski with the “big kids.” One trip, multiple whip-outs later I found myself in the ski lodge opting to drink my day away. Two bloody marys and a Jameson and ginger later, I was starting to think I might be ready. My liquid courage was ready. I fastened my skis and set out to find my friends, only to return ten minutes later when they then wanted to drink their dinners. After a few more drinks for me, dinner for them we set out to try again. This time, I was determined to succeed. And to everyone’s surprise, I did. I did not fall one time; however, I did get passed by a child who looked barely tall enough to walk let alone ski, which hurt the ego, but did not damage the tailbone. The continued one, and while I was still not falling my speed kept getting slower, and slower, and slower. I could tell everyone was kind of over it (aka over me) so I exited the larger hill and went back over to the bunny-hill were I was utterly content.

Sadly I didn’t think to get a picture with all six of us, but here is one of Carly, Shaine, myself and Kyle before heading home.

I may not be trying out for the next USA Olympic downhill skiing team, but I am damn proud that I started the year off strong. I was able to cross January off my months of new experiences. And I did it all without leaving my home state. Traveling is something everyone strives for, but one of the many reason people do not go is that of money. Travel does not have to be expensive, or far. It is just about opening your eyes to new experiences, new people, new lifestyles.

Below I have listed some of my favorite things to do (or try) locally. I live in West-Michigan, so some of these are specific to Michigan, but I bet with a quick google search you could find something similar for you to try too:

  • Check out your local beaches. Living in the Great Lake State we are spoiled by being surrounded by water, but if you are not, challenge yourself to find a lovely in-land beach to check out.
  • Hike your local trails or nature preserve. Michigan we don’t have any super cool mountains or anything for a legitimate hike, but there are a ton of local trails you can hike, bike or run down. I use michigan.org/hiking for an excellent reference on trails to check out.
  • Depending on your state and what seasons present helps open up a ton of possibilities. As this post states, we were able to check out a local ski-resort in January, and now that it is May, I could go back to that same resort and play around of golf. #fourseasonforthewin
  • Check out newly opened local business at least thirty or sixty minutes for where you live. I say this because so many times we all get comfortable just going to the same places over and over again. If you venture out, it helps you open your eyes to what your area offers you
    • Local business I have visited and LOVE:
  • Spend the day at an amusement park/waterpark
    • Cedar Point is about three hours away from me, but still an easy day trip.
    • If you are looking for something smaller but closer check out Michigan’s Adventure, it is our version of Six Flags for all you Southerners.
    • Or a Family Aquatic Center that is a much simpler waterpark great for children.
  • Visit a local sports teams –> Baseball; Lansing Lugnuts Hockey: Grand Rapids Griffins Football; Lakeshore Cougars, or any another sport you are interested in

These are just a few things you can do. In June, I have my favorite summer activity planned, and I can’t wait to share with all of you. Until then, comment below with some of your favorite local things to do where you live. Let’s help each other get the best out of life and enjoy seeing/trying new things.

Love to hear your thoughts. Comment below <3