Dear Sophie Soph:

Dear Sophie-Soph:

Today was your last full day on this earth and while just typing those nine words have already made me a blubbering mess I must continue. I have to write you this letter in hopes to remember all of the fantastic times we have had together. You have been by my side through thick and thin. You have watched me grow up and become the women I am today.


Left: When Mohawk Soph made an appearance thanks to her uncles

Middle: Just her happy go lucky self <3

Right: Sophie trying (and loving) pumpkin for the 1st time on Thanksgiving this year

One of her first Germany Halloween costumes. 

Our story started all the way back in November of 2006 when you were born. Your dad, Shaine, had just gotten orders to Germany and my heart was broken. I was so incredibly sad to know my time and communication with him was going to be extremely limited. I talked about getting a puppy with both daddy and Grandma and Grandpa since it was their house we were living at. After a much shorter talk than I expected, and everyone agreed, and the search had begun. It was not long until I stumbled upon a listing for five beautiful little Palmapoo puppies. Not knowing what you would look like, I googled. I would come to find out you would grow to resemble the Downy Snuggles Bear, with your blonde curly fur. That was all I needed. We were in the car the very next day. Grandma and I drove two hours to pick you up. I knew I wanted a girl and from the moment I laid my eyes on you, it was love at first sight. You were petite, so fluffy and just loved to give kisses. I scooped you up into my arms and off we went. Over the next few months, you grew into our family dog. Everyone loved coming home and seeing baby Sophie greet them at the door. Your little tail would wag so much your entire butt would shake and more times than not, you would fall over from it. You made me laugh back then, and I still laugh today when I see you do it.


Sophie and mommy circa 2007

Always included as one of the kids; Germany 2009

Even though you transitioned into a family dog, there was never any question you were still always mine. You always have a sense when I was upset. When Daddy and I got engaged and announced our engagement to everyone, you were there to lick away my tears I tried to hide. You sat right by me keeping me warm and letting me know it was all going to be ok. Fast forward four months and our big day had arrived. I remember laying down the night before in a complete and total state of panic. Just like that, daddy picked you up and put you in bed with me. Instantly, I was calm. He told me you would be with me all night and when I woke up, it would be us three. And it was.

Mom and her baby girls; Sophie and Harly

Family photo before mom moved to Chicago

From that moment on it was supposed to be us three verse the world but as it would turn out it would only be you and me. Daddy’s job was demanding and took him away from home a lot, which meant you were the face I went to sleep next to, the face that greeted me when I got home, you were my everything. If you ask Uncle Nicky, he would say the years we lived in Germany together were the years I became crazy. And I have to say I might agree with him. What other typical 19-21 year old sings and dances to their dog? What other person takes her dog everywhere she went? Shopping malls, you went. Resturants, you went. Playgrounds, yes, you went there too. In a world of military life and military families, you were all I had. You were my family, my baby and it was only fair I got to bring you too.


Left: Matching mommy and me shirts / Right: Bedtime cuddles


Left: Halloween 2015, Cruella Deville and her pup / Right: Sunday-Funday in the Sun


Left: Never loved to swim unless mom was near / Right: Always happy when there was food (and mom)

You have handled every situation I put you in with grace and excitement. From the day I put you on your first plane, to the day I brought home your incredibly annoying younger but bigger sister. You always had the happiest attitude and lit up when I walked into a room. The love you and I share is unlike anything I have ever felt. YOU made me a mommy, a dog mom, but a mom no less. My most significant heartache is that you will not be around to meet your human brother or sister whenever the time comes. You have always been so amazing with babies and kids alike I only wish I could have seen you with one of you “own.” In sticking with my glass-half-full attitude, I know you have lived a beautiful-fulfilled life: Your passport is more full than most humans. You have pee’d 🙂 on more of the world than most dream of. You have had the opportunity to walk on some amazing places, ride in many strollers, fly in numerous planes and nap on countless couches.

Early morning walk in Flordia


So many trips in so many different “vehicles.”

First bike ride at the new house, also Sophie’s first time coming face to face with a cow. It was quite comical. 

Writing you this letter is so unbelievably hard, but I know letting you go is the right thing to do. You have lived such a fantastic life and it was only right we spent the last week of your life in Florida together, surrounded by friends, people food and fun in the sun. I promise to take care of Harley for you, just like you have done for years.


Sophie and her younger but much larger sister, and best friend, Harley. They have laid together from day one and will lay together until she goes.

Thank you for giving me eleven of the best years of my life, I can only hope you feel the same. Life as I know it is about to change. I will always cherish you, cherish our memories and cherish the fact I got to be your person.

I love you Sophie Mae — I love you Booie-Bear — I love you Booie-booie bumpkin butt.

Until we meet again,

<3 Mommy.


One Reply to “Dear Sophie Soph:”

  1. So beautiful Amanda and so heartbreaking. I’m crying with you and I’m so sorry. Thank you for sharing your love and your beautiful tribute with us all💕

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