Sweet, Sexy or Silly? The evolution of Halloween Costumes! 

With Halloween officially on Tuesday and all the parties that took place this past weekend I thought it would be fun to take a trip down memory lane. A trip which features the typical Halloween transformation. You know from sweet, then slutty and ending at silly. Like most, Halloween has always been one my favorite holidays. I don’t really celebrate Fall or decorate for Thanksgiving. In the McConnon house, it is Halloween season from mid-September until November 30th. This year was sadly different. With everything I had going on I didn’t get around to decorating until the first full week of October, which meant I had to step my game up. I distinctly remember Shaine coming home from work and finding the house decked out in Halloween decor. His response “What the hell happened here?” My response “Happiness”. Followed by a big smile and him telling me it looked great.

But why is Halloween such a celebrated day? For kids, they get candy, lots and lots of candy. It makes sense for them to love this day, but shouldn’t parents hate it? I mean think about it — All the sugar highs, dramatic lows and the fights over who gets the full-size candy bar the favorite neighbor hands out. It would make sense for adults to dread it, but in reality, I think the adults might have more fun. It’s become a day where we, as adults, can be someone other than ourselves. A day we can let our creativity shine and forget about adult responsibilities.
For me, I’m a little different. I think Halloween is the day I’m the most like myself; my wild, creative, silly self. That side of me isn’t always on display but always within. (If you ask Shaine, he’d say otherwise. He on a regular basis is lucky enough to get a front row seat for my weirdness). My Halloween costume transition, however, has followed the typical trend. Cute and trendy when I was younger, sexy and slutty when I was in my early twenties, and now all out silly. The closer I get to turning thirty the more clothes I want to wear! 😂

Don’t know what I mean? Let’s take a look:

Sexy (pregnant) Kitty; Baumholder Germany — October 2009


Sexy Football Player; House Party — October 2010 



Moderately Sexy Oompa Loompa; 1st annual Mac’s Halloween Bash — October 2011

Nerds; MSUFCU Work Halloween Party — October 2012


Probably one of my favorite costumes of all time. 

Completely covered from wrist to ankle but imitating a Naked Troll Doll; Bar Crawl — October 2012

A busy year of weddings means “my costume” was a bridesmaid’s dress that I wore. As much as I love Halloween I was honored to be a bridesmaid for my beautiful friend on her wedding day; October 2013


Energizer bunny; 2nd Annual Mac’s Halloween Bash — October 2014


Lawn Gnome; MSUFCU Work Party — October 2014



Cruella Deville; Mac’s Halloween Bash — October 2015

BOO from Monster’s INC; October 2016

Minnie Mouse; Spectrum Health Office Party — October 2016


And finally, a dream come true. 

A life-sized duck onesie!; Weekend in Northern Michigan — October 2017

And if you only knew the millions of costume ideas I have floating in my head (or on my Pinterest) for the years to come. With each life experience comes many more potentials. Next year, check; Pregnant costume, check. Baby’s first costume, check.

So what about you? Have you followed this ever so popular costume trend? What stage of costumer are you at? Comment below what your favorite costume ever has been and bonus points for pictures! 👇🏼👇🏼
Have a safe and Happy Halloween friends! 🕷 🎃 👻

Love to hear your thoughts. Comment below <3